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Aging skin, what works best

Our skin changes and matures as we grow older. Many individuals feel aging skin is unavoidable and reach for solutions like plastic surgery to target wrinkles. Finding and using the right natural skincare products is far better approach to reduce wrinkles and to keep the development of new ones limited.

The doctrine of pangenesis supposes that these centers of nutrition form and throw off not only cells like themselves, but very minutegranules, called gemmules, each of which is capable, under suitable circumstances, of developing into a cell like its parent.

These minute granules are scattered through the system in great numbers.The essential organs of generation, the testicles in the male and the ovaries in the female, perform the task of collecting these gemmules and forming them into sets, each of which constitutes a reproductive element, and contains, in rudimentary form, a representative of every part of the individual, including the most minute peculiarities. Even more than this: It is supposed that each ovum and each zoosperm contains not only the gemmules necessary to reproduce the individuals who produced them, but also a number of gemmules which have been transmitted from the individuals' ancestors.

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